
Yahoo appoints a third director of security information in less than six months

Yahoo appoints a third director of security information in less than six months

Yahoo Inc. today announced the appointment of Bob Lord to lead the post of information network security in the company's clients and staff of Yahoo's director of security, at a time when Yahoo suffer from constant bleeding for executives to have a competition for the benefit of the rest of her technical companies.

Bob Lord and the third is the security of information you Yahoo appointment in less than six months Director, after the departure of a large amount of company executives from the search.

Where in June Alex Stamos to leave the company to become the security and protection director of the social network Facebook have, to hold office Ramses Martinez as an administrator, an executive at Yahoo for information security, however, Martinez decided to quietly give up his post in August to join the private information security team Apple's.

And Bfterd that Bob Lord is leading the private security team company Yahoo and various groups of those responsible for the security of information and software staff, and also duties include the creation and management of Yahoo's global programs to respond to incidents and responsible for security holes and penetrations in addition to a set of encrypted products.

And it will cost Bob also dealing with legal authorities and law enforcement Sttat during security incidents and investigations faced by the company or its programs or services.

And the work of Bob Lord previously as director of information security in cyber security company Rapid 7, and before that led the information security team in addition to his Twitter to protect the information and products in Red Hat company and e-mail service AOL and Netscape Netscape.

The exodus included executives of Yahoo also the departure of Jacqueline Rh, who served as director of the development department at Yahoo, which moved last week to the Square Square Management Company business loan program of the Department of Company Capital Square.

I left before that of Yahoo's Director of Marketing Kathy Speight and joined the company Entertainment TX at Hollywood, and considered all of those transitions alert tough for Yahoo highlights strongly the continuing exodus of managers and executives of the company under the chief executive of the management company's Marissa Mayer.
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