
Partnership between Intel and Oracle to compete with IBM

Partnership between Intel and Oracle to compete with IBM


Brian Krzanih the CEO of Intel's announcement of a new venture between Intel and Oracle during a joint speech with CEO Mark Hurd Oracle during the opening of the Oracle Technology Oracle OpenWorld 2015 conference.

The Oracle and Intel giants partners for decades, but now there is a new competitor to them is IBM's, and that after the establishment of IBM's sale of department servers, computers based on the company Lenovo Chinese Intel processors, and its currently focusing on the sale of high computer servers the price and the highest in terms of specifications that are used strata own.

It was after a meeting between the head of product development at Oracle's Thomas Kurian with vice president of Intel's Doug Fisher and the company decided to form a joint team of the two engineers near Intel facilities in Oregon, was launched code-named Apollo on the Apollo project.

It was assigned to know how to set up Aldhmh data cloud computing centers to the team that will work faster using steel gear from Oracle with processors and chips from Intel and try to pull the rug with respect to the private steel gear market cloud computing from under the feet of IBM's mission.

Apollo project has come to an end and completed the task assigned to it currently publishes documents about how it works in order to convince enterprise customers to build a data center using their techniques.

Said Brian Hurd and that the two companies have begun a new partnership that aims to persuade customers to abandon IBM services with respect to customer data and software and computing services rules and the conversion to Oracle and buy Joad data from Oracle and Intel production rules instead.

And find a reference to it is interesting and of that just as there is competition between IBM and Oracle, the Oracle based company also compete with Intel.

And use Intel's own computer servers are expensive and fastest chips a private company which Oracle SPARC chip technology, which Oracle acquired when it bought Sun Microsystems Inc. Sun Micrososystems.

And both companies are working on the principle enemy of my enemy is my friend and trying to both Intel and Oracle IBM currently fight and not try to remember the fierce competition among them.

He said Mark Hurd, CEO of Oracle, said his company already has thousands of persuading customers to abandon IBM solutions for the benefit of his company and they use Oracle software.

Oracle Corporation has currently nearly 420,000 customer therefore seems that the number is considered low thousands so far, IBM's did not comment after about what you are doing both the companies and their hostility and their war to them.

Information indicates that the reason for the sale of IBM servers operating the Department of Intel processors is to stop focusing on the steel gear for computer servers and the trend towards new areas instead, especially the direction of large data analysis and cloud computing centers.
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