
Sony Announces optimistic financial results all thanks to it's PlayStation 4

Sony Announces optimistic financial results all thanks to it's PlayStation 4


Sony announced its financial results for the third quarter of the current year 2015, which showed that the company is still in the recovery path after years of decline the consumer electronics sector, thanks to strong sales of the gaming platform, "PlayStation 4" which helped to offset lower sales of smart phones.

Japanese company said on Thursday that its operating profit for the months of July to September / September last stood at 88 billion yen (729 million US dollars), the second-best quarterly profit for Sony in eight years. These earnings have surpassed analysts, which was estimated at 87.3 billion yen forecast, according to the "Thomson Reuters".

Sony explained that the sectors of networks and platforms affiliates Games form about 10% of the rise in operating profit, thanks to strong sales of the software platform, "PlayStation 4". These profits have raised expectations of full-year earnings for the games sector to 88 billion yen from 60 billion yen earlier, and boosted sales "PlayStation 4" forecast to 17.5 million units from 16.5 million.

Sensors imaging sector has also played a key role in the recovery of Sony last year. Operating profit was because of the hardware, which includes imaging sensors, about 32.7 billion yen, up from 4.4 billion yen from a year earlier section.

The findings come upbeat after one day of the Declaration of Toshiba Corporation plans to sell sensors imaging hers sector to compatriot Sony as part of the restructuring plan was launched earlier this year to recover from a $ 1.3 billion accounting scandal dating back to fiscal year 2008/2009.

Sony hopes to help control sensors in the imaging market to offset weak demand for smart phones, televisions, and other consumer electronics.

Sony works have stayed in the red smart phone sector in the region registered a loss of 20.6 billion yen because of intense competition with other Asian companies.
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